Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mind Rush Hour

It's the season, once again, of nocturne. Every summer, little old me turns into a vampire--wandering the halls of the house in somnambulance and being dead to the world from sunrise to sunset. Once the the sun is at the point of departure, it's when I rise from my coffin and I greet the world with a cigarette.
But, folks, for some reason it's getting harder for me to sleep these days. You know that feeling when you're lying on your bed and you force yourself to sleep but you can't? Well that's really it.
It's that time in the early morning that when so many thoughts bounce up and down in my head. When ideas are ripe and excited, and amid the rush I complain, "Not now guys." Kinetic energy; There is a direct relationship of energy and pressure. The more I force myself to sleep, the more my thoughts get aroused.

Anyway, I really need to do something this summer. I set myself a list of goals for my vacation (like read a couple of books, learn photoshop, etc.) and so far I'm doing well--health and production-wise. I applied to Status Magazine but they haven't replied to any of my googolplex of emails, not even to tell me I didn't get in. Ugh. My uncle's a big-shot in Sun (the star...kidding) so he can help get me an internship there, but I was hoping to do something that was aligned to who I am. I applied for another internship for this Arts x Fashion retail store just a few minutes ago, and they seem cool. But if all else fails, I guess Sun's fine. I guess nepotism isn't so bad when you're this desperate.

"Why don't they realize I'm good?" - Jack Kerouac

PS: I finished Purgatorio a few hours ago, Inferno was more kick-ass, but it was cool nonetheless. Especially the last part when Beatrice started bitching at Dante. Apparently, Mr. Alighieri started dating again when Beatrice died.
PPS: Purgatorio ended on Palm Sunday. I finished reading it on Palm Sunday... That's it. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you write. It's effortless, but it's funny that you quoted Kerouac because you have a very Kerouac-ian style to your writing. On The Road is one of my favorite books. I am also a creature of the night! It inspires me, it's peaceful, and I focus best at night. There's something really intriguing about the night. I like your illustrations in this entry too; both of them!
