Sunday, April 24, 2011


I do not know what to make of of my Holy Week.
The fact that I didn't even know it began doesn't help either. It was in the middle of the afternoon that I realized that it had started when I encountered the palasapas nestling on the boughs of our front doors. The rest of the week felt ordinary, nonetheless.
I consumed my nights with trivial concerns: what to read, when to bathe, when to get up and smoke, etc. I did, however, manage to do my obligated reverence to the sacred week by looking for movies in local channels about miracles and expiation like the old-film Himala starring Nora Aunor. Apparently though, they don't show it anymore which threw me back. There goes my schedule, I think to myself. (I read that it's important to have a semblance of routine no matter mundane in order to protect one's sanity, especially during vacation when time and space becomes relative and when order ceases and you revert back to a primitive lifestyle--driven by basic needs like food and sleep).

Meanwhile, I made these drawings for some friends. I call them Katy Perry Alien Twins, Fame Hooker Vomits Her Mind--Gaga, of course--, and the third one I call Patty because that's my friend's name and I couldn't think of a concise metaphysical bullshit title for it.

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