Saturday, April 9, 2011

L'homme Pendu

I don't usually blog. Well I do, but I just post pictures for the sake of attention. Writing blogs really isn't my thing. I do enjoy writing though, but I honestly assume that no one will read any of the shit I write, except for my teachers. But they're paid to do that.
Yet, somehow, with all these people I follow here in blogspot (still a handful though), I get inspired... Inspiration--how passé. But it's true!
I think art conditions our thoughts and makes us vulnerable and sensitive to emotions. It requires a specific stillness and concentration to be able to appreciate it. I didn't used to be this romantic with life. In high school, I used to be a big judgmental bitch. But once I started experiencing life, once I started to see/hear/feel/taste real life-what's there to be bitchy about? I still bitch once in a while like a girl with PMS though... Therefore, the abstract becomes real to me. Things like love, hope, faith, and inspirations crystallize.

Anyway, this is a sketch I made during my free time--which is a lot--during my summer vacation. And the second picture is me striking a pose while zip-lining upside down which was one of the most thrilling things I've ever done in my life. Although you could feel the blood going up, or down, your head and you can feel your brain pulsating, nonetheless, it was exhilarating. The sky was your earth and the mountains were your sky. I put it there because I liked the juxtaposition of the spider/octopus/vagina-man and me suspended by a string; like we're all connected by a string that extends all the way to the heavens, to the abyss of space, right smack in to the anus of some creature we didn't even know that existed. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    First off, thank you for even LOOKING at my blog, leaving a comment, AND following me! You're wonderful!
    Second, I am glad you're utilizing your blog because more people read it than you think. Your attention to detail is PHENOMENAL! I love details, but your work makes me so happy and also makes my jaw drop!
    Keep it up.
    I'll have to add you to my link list.
    I definitely look forward to seeing more and your paragraph about inspiration and art in general is right on.

